
Harrisongs - I'd have you Anytime

I'd Have You Anytime was started in America, in Woodstock-- I was invited there by The Band. It was Thanksgiving time and I'd just finished producing a Jackie Lomax album, directly after The Beatles White Album.
Bob Dylan had gone through the thing of breaking his neck in a motor-cycle accident and being out of commission for a time. He'd got himself back together and had finished Nashville Skyline shortly before I arrived there. I was hanging out at his house, with him, Sara and his kids. He seemed very nervous and I felt a little uncomfortable--it seemed strange especially as he was in his own home.
Anyway, on about the third day we got the guitars out and the things loosened up and I was saying to him 'write me some words', and thinking of all this: Johnnie's in the basement, mixing up the medicine, type of thing and he was saying 'show me some chords, how do you get those tunes?
I started playing chords, like major sevenths, diminisheds and augmenteds and the song appeared as I played the opening chord (G Major 7th) and then moved the chord shape up the guitar neck (B flat Major 7th). The first thing I thought was :

Let me in here
I know I've been here
Let me into your heart

I was saying to Bob `Come on, write some words'. He wrote the bridge:

All I have is yours
All you see is mine
And I'm glad to hold you in my arms
I'd have you anytime

Beautiful!--and that was that.

George Harrison


Dr. Winston O'Boggie

Do you and Yoko believe

in peace in our time?

Yeah. The thing is we have this poster that says War Is Over If You Want It. We all sit around pointing fingers at Nixon and the leaders of the countries saying, "He gave us peace" or "They gave us war." But it's our responsibility what happens around the world in every other country as well as our own. It's our responsibility for Vietnam and Biafra and the Israel war and all the other wars we don't quite hear about. It's all our responsibility and when we all want peace we'll get it. I support humanity, I don't belong to any left wing, right wing, middle wing, Black Panthers, white Christians, Protestants, Catholics, or nothing People have said we're naive for trying to sell peace like a bar of soap. But I want to ask you, is Mr. Ford naive? Or is the soap powder factory naive? They're selling the same old soap that's been around for two thousand years, but suddenly it's new blue soap. So we're selling new blue peace and we hope some of you buy it. The war is here now and there's two ways of looking at it. Some people say, "Why did you spend your money on posters or peace campaigns? Why didn'y you give it to the Biafran children, or something like that?" And we say, "We're trying to prevent cancer, not cure it."



Sing A Song I

All Things Must Pass
(George Harrison)
Anthology III

Sunrise doesn't last all morning
A cloudburst doesn't last all day
Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning
It's not always going to be this grey
All things must pass
All things must pass away
Sunset doesn't last all evening
A mind can blow those clouds away
After all this, my love is up and must be leaving
It's not always going to be this grey
All things must pass
All things must pass away
All things must pass
None of life's strings can last
So, I must be on my way
And face another day
Now the darkness only stays the night-time
In the morning it will fade away
Daylight is good at arriving at the right time
It's not always going to be this grey
All things must pass
All things must pass away
All things must pass
All things must pass away